The flow of genetic information is critically dependent on the structure and integrity of DNA. DNA is challenged by endogenous and environmental factors, which produces a plethora of DNA modifications. Certain DNA modifications play a role in genetic regulation, whereas others have mutagenic and pathogenic effects. The overarching goal of our research is to understand the chemical and molecular mechanisms by which DNA modifications are dealt with. We are particularly interested in the mitochondrial DNA maintenance. The small and multi-copy mitochondrial DNA genome play a plethora roles in energy production, biosynthesis, and cell signaling. The instability of mtDNA has been associated with a variety of mitochondrial diseases, neurodegeneration, and aging. We use chemical, biochemical, biophysical, computational, and cellular approaches to gain fundamental insights into mtDNA maintenance with a long-term goal to inform the development of novel therapeutics or disease intervention strategies. 


our Research

Recent NEWS

Follow us on Twitter @zhaolabucr

Jun 2023: We congratulation our Ph.D. #1 in the lab, Dr. Jin Tang, for successful defending her thesis and her next career at UCSF!

Feb 2023: We congratulate Dr. Zhao on his promotion to an associate professor with tenure!

Jan 2023: We congratulate our former postdoctoral fellow, Dr. Chaoxing Liu, on his recent career move as an independent investigator at the 7th affiliated hospital, Sun Yat-sen University!


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our Facility

    We are located in the state-of-the-art Multidisciplinary Research Building, UCR’s newest and largest research building. The write-up area oversees UCR Bell Tower and has a spectacular view of the snow-capped San Gabriel Mountains over the winter (picture on top of the page).